Indirect rate structures for government contractors are used to allocate indirect costs across various contracts or projects. Indirect costs are expenses that are not directly attributable to a specific contract or project, but are necessary to support the overall business operations of the government contractor, such as rent, utilities, and administrative expenses.
The indirect rate structure is typically composed of several indirect cost pools, which are categories of indirect costs that are allocated to contracts based on a predetermined allocation base. For example, the allocation base for rent might be square footage, while the allocation base for administrative expenses might be total direct labor hours.
The indirect rate structure is important for government contractors because it helps ensure that indirect costs are allocated fairly across contracts and that the contractor is reimbursed for these costs by the government. The indirect rates are typically negotiated with the government and are subject to annual audit to ensure that they are reasonable and accurately reflect the contractor’s actual indirect costs.
There are several different types of indirect rate structures that government contractors can use, including single and multiple indirect cost pools, and provisional and final indirect rates. The specific structure used will depend on the type of contract, the size and complexity of the contractor’s business operations, and other factors.