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The Basics of Government Contracting
What does it mean when someone says their company is a Government Contractor? As a commercial company, what do you need to know about having the Government as your customer? If you have already won government contracts, what critical information do you need to know to be successful? The big prime contractors of the world have hundreds of specially trained government contract professionals helping them navigate through the maze of regulation, process, and compliance. For the past 7 years, Arrowhead has been training government contractors of all sizes (from 2 person companies to $4B companies) on how government contracting works, what is most important to know, and how to stay profitable while working for the world’s largest customer. We can also help you understand if the Government customer is the right customer for your. This one hour webinar is perfect for companies who need to learn more about government contracting as well as providing critical information for new employees who are learning to help your company be a successful government contractor.
January 7th at 10am Mountain
Price: $69/person