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The General Services Administration’s Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) rule states that contractors must electronically report prices paid by the federal government for goods and services purchased through GSA schedules. Using a phased-in approach affecting select schedules, the TDR pilot program has corresponding reporting requirements that contractors must know.
During the conversion from 72A reporting to the TDR reporting system: For current schedule holders, reporting starts 30 days after the end of the first month of the quarter following acceptance of the mass mod. New contractor reporting requirements start 30 days after the month of contractor award.
For IFF reporting purposes, contractors are not required to change their current accounting systems to accommodate TDR; however, vendors must now use only two points of revenue recognition when reporting a transaction: Date of Payment Received or Date of Invoice, which they should use consistently–do no blend methods.
Remittance of IFF will continue to be due 30 days after the end of the business quarter. Contractors can also choose to pay IFF on a monthly basis in conjunction with TDR reporting.
TDR does not change what is reportable to GSA, and contractors should not include the value of open market items such as freight. states, “The Contractor must electronically report transactional data by utilizing the automated reporting system at an Internet website designated by the General Services Administration (GSA) or by uploading the data according to GSA instructions.”
GSA will post instructions and reporting procedures on the Vendor Support Center:
The list of reporting transactional data elements, as applicable includes:
Contractors must submit a report confirming no sales, if there is no contract activity for a particular month.
The reported total price and price paid per unit must include the Industrial Funding Fee (IFF).
For more information on how TDR may affect your GSA schedule, and how to manage compliance reporting, please contact Arrowhead Solutions, LLC.