
GSA Schedule Holders: It’s Time to Consolidate!

Does your business hold a GSA Schedule that needs to be consolidated?

As the GSA works to streamline acquisition practices for the government and government contractors, contract administrators must ensure they keep current with regulation changes and update their company’s online portal information (i.e. gov’t service sites).

Has your business been contacted by the GSA regarding consolidation? If not, you should contact the GSA now!

A complete transition of single schedule solicitations to the Professional Services (OOCORP) Solicitation means resubmission requirements are in place and need to be followed.

The following information is provided by the GSA and can be found at:

What Schedules are affected, or may be affected, by this initiative?

  • Consolidated (00CORP)
  • MOBIS (874)
  • PES (871)
  • FABS (520)
  • AIMS (541)
  • LOGWORLD (874V)
  • Environmental (899)
  • Language (738II)


How will these Schedules be affected?

Going forward, with the exception of the Consolidated(00CORP) Schedule, the Schedules listed above will be migrated into the new Professional Services Schedule and the solicitations for those schedules cited above would be eliminated.

What is the impact to existing contracts that are migrating to the Professional Services Schedule?

  • There will be no change to the contract number;
  • There will be no change to SINs for all affected Schedules except Consolidated which would no longer carry the “C” designation for any SINs other than C132-51 and C595-21;
  • The performance period for all professional services contracts, regardless of Schedule, would remain unchanged;
  • The terms and conditions of all professional services contracts, regardless of Schedule would remain unchanged.

Associated changes made would include; rebranding the Consolidated Schedule Program to Professional Services Schedule; and changing the solicitation number to that which represents the Professional Services Schedule. These changes would result in the issuance of a mass modification to all existing contract holders.

How would these changes impact the Consolidated Schedules Program and current Consolidated contracts?

  • The Consolidated Schedule will be the contract structure used to create the new Professional Services Schedule. In short, the Consolidated Schedule would be replaced by the Professional Services Schedule.
  • Contracts currently under the Consolidated Schedule would be unaffected, with the following exceptions:
  • As noted above, excluding IT (70) (SIN C132-51) and HR (738X) (SIN C595-21), nonprofessional service SINS on the Consolidated Schedule  with no sales  will be cancelled.
  • Nonprofessional service SINS  with sales  would be removed from the Consolidated Schedule and migrated to the appropriate Schedule. For example, once implemented, SIN C03FAC contractors would have contracts on Schedule 03FAC. FAS Contracting Officers would work with affected contractors to ensure active BPA’s and task orders are not impacted and can be completed.
  • The 21 nonprofessional services contracts migrated  from  the Consolidated Schedule would have a new Schedule contract with a performance period of one five-year period, and three five-year option periods.

Additionally, contract administration of the AIMS (541) Schedule will be transferred from the Greater SouthWest Service Center in Ft. Worth, Texas, to the Management Services Centerin Auburn, WA.

Stay on top of the changes being made by GSA’s FAS so that your business can get the most out of the new, efficient government acquisition model.

Arrowhead Solutions, LLC is here to help with any questions and/or administrative tasks.

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